Southern Broadcast can provide state of the art coverage predictions from either established transmission sites or from a new potential ‘green field’ site. The Southern Broadcast team have experience at almost every conceivable transmission site in New Zealand and many overseas.
We recognise that everyone’s requirements are different and when it comes to broadcasting and transmission, seldom is there a ‘one size fits all’ answer. This can be due to a variety of reasons including specific coverage requirements based on licence conditions, budgets or competitive issues to mention but a few.
With the aid of advanced computer modelling and mobile GPS aided site tools, we will always be able to find and recommend the best solution.
In addition to coverage prediction and site finding, Southern Broadcast can also provide advanced point-to-point predictions for analogue and digital linking – taking into account path loss, rain fade, obstruction losses etc.
- Detailed coverage predictions
- Advanced computer modelling
- Mobile GPS site equipment
- Point-point link predictions