With PriceWaterhouseCoopers projecting that revenue from streaming music will eclipse downloads by 2018, and more people in the world listening to radio than can read it seems that internet radio has a bright future. Apple have taken a simple yet bold move towards this future by launching their new global, always on internet radio station Beats1.

[quotes style=”classic” align=”center” author=”Eddy Cue, VP Internet Software and Services at Apple”]The truth is internet radio isn’t really radio, it’s just a playlist of songs. We wanted to do something really big: a worldwide radio station broadcasting around the globe.[/quotes]

This graphic clearly shows the steady growth of streaming revenue in the US, with an opposite trend for download revenue. Industry response to Apple’s new streaming service has been mixed, here are some of the more interesting opinions around:

Spotify CEO’s two-word response to Apple Music

Apple Music wants to take us back to the 1970s

Mixed reaction to Apple plans

Can Apple Music lure listeners from Pandora and Spotify?


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