Did you know that in 2014 the number of active mobile data connections surpassed the total population of the world? That’s right there are now more active mobile devices than people. It’s clear that the explosion of mobile device usage has seen consumer’s consumption of content change. With the massive popularity of online streaming platforms and ever reducing mobile data costs it is critical that broadcasters understand and react to new consumer habits.

One way of staying relevant is engaging with listeners on a deeper and more regular basis. This not only ensures that stations continue to entertain their target audiences, but also encourages the audience to interact and spend more time listening. Some stations are leading the charge with social integration and providing inspiring case studies for how broadcasters can weave new technologies into their systems.

University Radio Bath has developed a ‘Responsive Radio’ platform that can read the music preferences from the current audience and trigger automation playlist changes without breaking the station’s format. Radio Télévision Suisse developed an application for pushing notifications of the next day’s discussion topics to listeners and providing them a method of instantly sending in their views recorded directly in the app from a smartphone.

If you are wanting to improve engagement with your listeners, and find ways to keep them listening this Radio World eBook is an excellent read.

Download the eBook



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