What is “visual radio”? Is radio actually something listeners want to see? Why and how are stations — that are still “100 percent radio” — using this technology to boost their broadcasts and audience? What does this mean for the future of radio? This Radio World eBook, “Radio Gets Visual,” probes into these questions and more. Radio visualization signifies adding a new dimension to the listener experience. From simply adding images to audio or creating video streams to accompany the audio, this eBook focuses on real multiplatform experiences and their practical implementation.
Whether you are a national public broadcaster or a regional commercial station, it studies how any radio station can easily — and economically — embrace the technology, further engage listeners and even attract new ones. In this special edition we highlight three radio stations, providing examples of how each successfully applies a very different approach to meet their specific image and audience expectations.
While the same business model won’t fit every broadcaster’s “visual” needs, by strategically studying your market and applying an appropriate plan, stations can adopt proper tactics that are suitable for their requirements, enhance listener involvement and benefit from the various platforms available to reach new audiences. So let your creativity kick in (something radio broadcasters excel in, of course), keeping in mind we are still talking about radio, and that radio — really is something you can watch too. Just picture it.
With this Radio Station Video Streaming eBook, Radio World International writers explore ways in which radio organizations are moving toward digital.
Download the eBook now — click here!